So normally, I would write out some sort of story or technique. And I do quite enjoy doing so. But this week, I'm having some roommate issues that's making my life semi-frustrating. I'm having difficulty focusing on anything that resembles positive. So this week, I leave the challenge up to you. Is there anyone out there that would like to help me by sharing a positive story about or relating to their own experiences writing?
I know I could use the boost. Thanks.
This week, I did most of what I wanted. I spent between 45 and 60 minutes cutting through my free-writing and reworking it into my scene list. The result is a 9 page 4,200 word document that's around 2/3 done. Here, I can see where the major flubs of the story are going to be. Mainly, I have to find a way to iron the story out throughout the book instead of cramming a bunch of things in at the end. While the metaphors I'm weaving into the story will make for wonderful visual eye candy, I'm watching the exposition pileup at the end like a car wreck you can't look away from. This is going to be... Ugly. Mainly because I know I won't be able to do that ironing until after the first draft is complete. Which is also going to take me a longer period of time to take care of. Mostly, because I've literally done nothing but play iPad games for and watched Supernatural for the last 48 hours. To be honest, I know that it's probably from working so hard on so many projects and is partially burnout and partially mid-project woes. But the idea of taking a break makes me feel... guilty. It's not something I like to do, because I fear that it will lead to never starting back up. Even now, I'm forcing myself to continue working.
All of that said, I was able to finish figuring out those relationship connections. Sort of. Mostly. I have a very complex paragraph that I circled a few days ago, which tells me it's important to start there once I get back into it. Which should be today, since the blog will be short and I have no other plans. It's just a matter of not turning on Supernatural and binging all day...
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